Thursday, June 28, 2012

Broken Glass

Broken glass shattered and torn
Broken glass how long will you mourn?
You protected ever so faithfully, the precious rose that stood within
Still you crippled her growth, as her soft petals never felt the full warmth of My touch completely
“Harsh! Crude- that’s what they are!”
That’s what you say, but what does God say? Did you not listen? Did you not hear?
The beauty within will not grow unless your walls are broken
“Let her be, you useless infirmity!”
For I will give her all she needs and keep her from the beasts and weeds!

Beautiful rose, finally free
Beautiful rose made so perfectly
Extend your roots so firmly in Me, for I am the only source of uprightness you will ever need
When the wind blows, you will bend but not break
When the storm clouds pour out its wrath- rest assured, you would not drown in the seas of fury
For you are finally free and protected in me!

Beautiful rose, created by God in His deity
Your false shield is only temporary
How would you know My love, if you never felt it?
How would you worship Me, if you never danced with me?
How can I be God, when this shattered glass became your god?
Arise and sing a new song of praise,
For the chains that once held you bondage are now broken
Feel the mighty wind of heaven’s sound rush through you
Embracing you like a jacket of glory
Finally I have you in my arms to give all what you need
I give you me,
You have me!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Sometimes the outer shell seems tough
But we often tend to overlook the realization that
Whatever it is protecting, that’s on the inside is very fragile
If I were to wear my jacket inside-out
You would see the cuts that made the outside clean
Self-consciousness no longer a secret, as the world would look at me with an unusual face
“That’s disgusting, mind boggling and peculiar!”
Even worse, “Do you think you can hang with us, looking like this? Like crap?”
Ostracism is the new “in” and favor is “out”

She craves belonging from me, from you
Because at home, when she wears her inside-out, her family turns away and casts her out
Her desire to leave the outside in was never her choice
But that of those whom she thought loved her most
So when she comes into the four walls of the Temple, a place filled with the presence of God
Her experience overrides her desire and ability to know who He really is
All He wants is her life, but all she can offer is lies- she does not know that He already knows
The pain that she has been through
Every tear He caught in His hands and longed to comfort her weeping soul
She heard of Him, but never knew Him- her true Father, Comforter and Friend
But now that she’s here, she has to know (we are) her real family
And just like her, we once wore our outsides-in and in Him- there is no longer an inside or out
Rather we are naked, lit on fire, cleansed with every progressive step taken in Him
She’s beautiful, transformed and a new creature
She understands who she is in the One who knows her heart
No longer is she a degenerated soul,
For the world now sees His glory radiating from the inside out

Saturday, June 9, 2012


My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.  But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing (James 1: 2-4)

So to highlight a point I made in the previous note, some experiences that we got through in life, are consequences of our own actions.  Just as stern and strong as a Father’s love is, so is God patiently waiting for us to admit our sin and draw us closer to Him.
I continue to go through these challenges, but what’s different now is my reaction to them now.  I am developing my character & my maturity especially when I seek to walk in Jesus’ pathway. Thus to elaborate the gist of the topic at hand, I will attempt to recall the words of Mrs. Lisa Dublin, guest speaker at JAG’s session, Friday 26 March, 2010. 
"Self-esteem, simply defined, is the way that we individually view ourselves or our personal perspective of ourselves".  Self-esteem in relationships was a particularly interesting point.  If you are in a position where your partner is not contributing to your advancement in Christ or as a respectable man/ woman, then that person is occupying the space for the person God has designed especially for you. 
In the words of the author of Knight In Shining Amor, if the devil has been living on your premises, it is time to post an eviction notice. I agree with this statement entirely.   But replace the word “devil” with man/ woman.  What do you see? Do you agree?
I have seen women (and men) abused by their spouses, family, friends and so forth, and they have tolerated it.  We need to wake up and smell the coffee brewing!  There is a difference between tolerance and patience; loving someone enough to stay with them and loving them enough to leave.  (But then again, do we know the meaning of “love”?) We need to put our feet down and get rid of all the waste we have collected. As Joel Osteen highlighted in his novel “Becoming a better you: 7 Ways to Improving your Everyday Life”: There are some people we have to learn to love from a distance. Our selfish desires tend to place us in compromising positions, forcing us to accept much less than what we are truly worthy of receiving. There are amazing things in your destiny as ordained by God, things you would not believe that are within your capacity stream. But did you know that God’s dream for is lives are always bigger than our personal dreams? Think about it- His vision always seems impossible (Isaiah 55:8-9[1], 1 Corinthians 1:25[2]) for a simple reason that is so amazing (at least me)- that we may not depend upon our own strength lest pride boasts “Look at what I did without any help!”, and that we can maintain our humility and acknowledge that survival without God is worthless. Unfortunately, some are too consumed by mediocre and personal desires so easily achievable resulting in a “I did it all by myself, without any help” attitude. Fulfilling God’s vision takes time maybe even the majority of our lifetime in preparation- yes even in all relationships- but the reward is worth the journey. And whatever trials you may encounter, are for your own good and personal  development. But are you willing to bear patience?
Are you ready to abandon you possessions and earthly desires to depend solely on the King for survival- even when it means letting go of the things you highly esteem?   I have already begun and though I may fall, He continues to catch me for I believe that falling out of His will is far more detrimental then falling within it as He will never leave me nor forsake me, simply because of His love and mercy.

God wants to reveal His vision for YOUR DESTINY TODAY, but are you willing to let Him lead you through it? 

[1] “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord.  “As the heavens are higher than the earth,  so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. (NIV)
[2] For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength. (NIV)

Thursday, June 7, 2012


(I originally penned this piece around March 2010- when I made the FINAL decision to serve Christ. Though this point is not entirely relevant, the amazing fact remains- no matter the hour or time of day, the Word still stands and it continues to minister to us (and others) for generations to come.) I pray that you will receive it:

“Hang on. Have patience. God is not slow; it only seems that way.  It takes a season to ripen or for judgment and deliverance to come. Purity is not maturity. The smallest blade of wheat is 100% pure wheat, but it cannot reproduce. Maturity is not purity. Mature weeds can reproduce, but they are zero percent wheat. We must have patience and rest until the Father matures us enough to reproduce the image of His Son in us.”

With that being said, meditate on the question: Where do I stand in Christ? Have I been patient enough to accept the challenges in my path and learn the lessons taught? If not, am I totally willing to surrender to God and rest in His will for my life?

The answers may startle you, and as you have been faced with an ultimatum, the decision to choose the winning side is not without its complications. WARNING: YOU WILL GET BURNT!!!!

 To seek Christ and accept Him as your Savior, is to accept the knowledge of the devil’s persistence in dragging you back into the darkness. BUT REMEMBER: With Him as your sword and shield, the impossible is always possible. The battle has already been won; it is now up to us to rest in Him and enjoy the Victory.

The most memorable testimony of God’s love & His patience, for His people occurred in the books of Exodus through to Deuteronomy. It shows how He uses tests and trials to build our strength and character; even when it means being placed in a lower position than our initial stance.

“The process is: receive the promise endure the problem, obtain the provision.
PROMISE- “The people believed… they bowed…and worshipped”(Exodus 4:31). They thought this would be great.
PROBLEM- “(Lord,) look…and judge; because (You) have made our savor to (stink…and) put a sword in their hand in their hand to slay us” (Exod. 5:21) Pharaoh reacted and made their life worse, so now they were mad. This was not what Moses had promised. He had promised milk and honey, and now they just had more work.  They were judging the wrong person.  They were mad at Moses and God, who were trying to deliver them. Pharaoh was the enemy. Their reaction exposed their immaturity.
PROVISION- God’s reply was: “Now you shall see what I could do” (Exod. 6:1 NKJV).”

Do not let your desire blind your ability to put things into perspective. Don’t ask questions like “Why me, Lord?” because we should know that we are subject to punishment for our sins. Our Father’s love is SO great, that He is willing to let us learn from our mistakes and is so patient enough to wait ceaselessly to hear you say: “I surrender (to Your will)”.  Focus on the blessings He has bestowed upon your life thus far, for there are many who do not even know the meaning of SURVIVAL IN CHRIST. Face life one day at a time, with Christ leading your track.  If He brings you to it, He will bring you through it. So rejoice, because the mere fact that you’re alive. Today is a testimony of His love. He is indeed worthy to be exalted and praised.

Stay blessed!!!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


We can all testify that transition is not easy process, thus it is not always welcomed with open arms. But once we have gone through that process, we must admit- it was worth the journey. The new you is in a much better position than what "used to be." You want proof? See the following short piece:

*Knock, knock, knock*
“Who is it?”
“It’s me, would you please open I want to come in.”
“You? Why all of a sudden you wanna check up on me, after so long? And why are you sneaking in the back, are you scared to come to the front?
(This door has never been opened in ages, deadbolt locks, keys already lost and if I were to open it the structure would fall apart leaving it irreparable for some time, at least until we got a good repairman. Opening it is like paving a way for thieves, and no temporary fixing would chase away any adversity)
Afraid of my Father? Can’t stand up to him like a man? Boy you ain’t changed, you’re still the same lowlife scum that I left you as huh? Sad….”
“Hey, come on, at least I mustered the courage to even come close to your territory, now would you please let me in? Where’s the girl that I fell for? The one who laughed at my every joke, the one who was the right to right and the left to my left- you know, my ride or die chick? I miss her, I want her back and I came to get her. And………. why am I talking to the door- girl let me in!”
“Or else what? You’re gonna knock the door down? Go ahead- if you are man enough- and as long as you are willing to face my Father- do what you want to do!”
“Your Dad? Girl, I got nothing but respect for your Dad and all, and believe me, He is the last person’s wrath I wanna see- just His stare makes me wanna move from the Artic to Antartica, I would even choose hell over heaven any day just to not stand in His way. Still I wanna see you, and if I can’t come inside, then step outside- maybe we can talk there”
“There is no way, I am leaving my Father’s presence, my haven just so that I can “chit-chat” with you. Seems all that you see is who I once was, not who I am now. I know you’ve kept your eyes on me from the moment we had that last kiss (of death) and instead of applauding my progress all you want me to do is regress. Boy, I’ve been changed! The girl you knew, the insecure and naïve chick- she don’t live here no more! Who do you think you are, coward man?  You’re still creeping through the back cause you ain’t man enough to face the gate keeper. You laughed in my face at every tear, you assisted “so-called friends” in trampling upon my already broken body. Instead of being a hospital to my pain, you chose to be the weed to my existing addiction!”
“Stop lying! Who helped you get that job, and all that money that you squandered on the fancy clothes and expensive dinners? Me! I did it! For you!”
“No you stop bringing destruction! It is true, I know who I was, what I did- but the truth remains I’ve been changed. My Father showed me that I can be more- He fathered me, loved me even when I hated me. I choose Him over you any day! I love and live only for Him!”
“Shut up! Open this door!” *pounding on the door*
“Daddy! Daddy! Satan is trying to break in!”
*in a booming voice* “I’m coming! Boy if you break into this place, you will burn. Need I remind you who cast you out from the heavens in the first place. Get behind her you devil. You already know that “… if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.[1]” Leave!”
No, no! *in a trembling voice* Listen I’m sorry I bothered you. Let’s forget this ever happened! Not your Father! Buh-buh-buh bye now *voice and footsteps fade way*

Every day of life represents a new day of tests and sometimes we need to exercise our choice as Kingdom people and rebuke the enemy at every opportunity. God is always with us, for His word says that He would never leave us nor forsake us, but we cannot slumber lest we forget we need to pass the tests in order to receive His glory. All praise unto whom all praise is due, all honor unto the Most High. Always stick with Him and you will be exhalted.

[1] 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NKJV)



After consultation preluded by much contemplation, the end decision is now obvious- MY PERSONAL BLOG. The initiative lurking behind the scenes, rests in the desire to encourage others through the direct and indirect impartation of God's law, with the intent of condemnation far from thought.

Based on this, you may have already guessed, I am a follower of Christ (quite an avid and unashamed one, might I add). However, do not be deceived into thinking that I am perfect- as I am far from that, but in the midst of constant building and growth, letting go of the old to  accommodate the new, I NEVER want to lose sight of Christ, EVER. He is the best decision I have made in my life!

In the midst of the entries on this blog page, you will find words that will encourage you- to continue pressing towards the high mark of excellence. When you believe that no one understands what you are going through,  someone on the other side of the globe just went through it and may want to share his/her story of survival with you (for example, myself). As you read through, keep recommending the pages to your friends and your friends friends and so forth- building a network/body of strength and unity, drawing more people into the kingdom of Christ.

EVANGELISM, DISCIPLESHIP & OUTREACH always has its base- Why can't it begin with you?

Until next time, 
Be Blessed!