Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Sometimes the outer shell seems tough
But we often tend to overlook the realization that
Whatever it is protecting, that’s on the inside is very fragile
If I were to wear my jacket inside-out
You would see the cuts that made the outside clean
Self-consciousness no longer a secret, as the world would look at me with an unusual face
“That’s disgusting, mind boggling and peculiar!”
Even worse, “Do you think you can hang with us, looking like this? Like crap?”
Ostracism is the new “in” and favor is “out”

She craves belonging from me, from you
Because at home, when she wears her inside-out, her family turns away and casts her out
Her desire to leave the outside in was never her choice
But that of those whom she thought loved her most
So when she comes into the four walls of the Temple, a place filled with the presence of God
Her experience overrides her desire and ability to know who He really is
All He wants is her life, but all she can offer is lies- she does not know that He already knows
The pain that she has been through
Every tear He caught in His hands and longed to comfort her weeping soul
She heard of Him, but never knew Him- her true Father, Comforter and Friend
But now that she’s here, she has to know (we are) her real family
And just like her, we once wore our outsides-in and in Him- there is no longer an inside or out
Rather we are naked, lit on fire, cleansed with every progressive step taken in Him
She’s beautiful, transformed and a new creature
She understands who she is in the One who knows her heart
No longer is she a degenerated soul,
For the world now sees His glory radiating from the inside out

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