Friday, October 19, 2012

Practical Steps to Forgiveness

Forgiveness- the word that seems so easy to look at but so hard to do; however settles for the following definitions:
1.      “To excuse for a fault or an offense; pardon,
2.      To renounce anger or resentment against or
3.      To absolve from payment of (a debt, for example).”
I know that we continually experience situations which require pardon towards others for actions- however unimaginable- towards us or people close to us. It is especially true when we expect the same from others. With that said, of course, there remain numerous scenarios in which the “forgive” or “forgiveness” is mentioned in the Word. One particular scripture which places such emphasis rests with the Parable of the Unforgiving Debtor found in Matthew 18:21-22:
21 Then Peter came to him and asked, “Lord, how often should I forgive someone who sins against me? Seven times?”
22 “No, not seven times,” Jesus replied, “but seventy times seven!
How impractical it sounds! I mean- Really!?! Well one way of avoiding detrimental ails to the spiritual self thus causing possible difficulty in drawing closer in relationship to Christ is to LET IT (the issue) GO before it takes deep root in your heart making it harder to overcome as time progresses. (Think of a 50 year old tree- no matter how many times you cut it at the truck, it will continually grow because it roots are deeply planted in the soil stretching further beyond unimaginable boundaries. The only way to permanently void the perpetuation of this tree is to uproot it ENTIRELY). However, I present to you further practical, biblical keys to FORGIVENESS as afforded by Pastor Gregory Dickow (trust me, it works!):

1. Believe that God can turn the situation around
2. Give up your right to be bitter      (Hebrews 12:13-15)
3. Do to fight back        (1 Peter 2:20)
4. Be patient- the willingness to endure what has been done to me without retaliation and without giving up
5. Pray     (Job 42:10)

"Forgiveness unlocks the door to your blessing. Forgiveness is the gateway to your miracle”- Pastor Gregory Dickow

Monday, October 15, 2012


 To the Christian:
If you believe or feel like your life is in shambles,
Take a look at the man whose life is scarred and tormented in sign
All welcomed with open arms, for their eyes see delight
The flesh contests no war 
Because of the choice to pursue after temporal artifacts
To them, living in sin is the new "IN"
But they're too blind to see they did not win- the gods of this world did

So to the struggling Christian, keep pressing towards the mark of excellence
When You feel like giving in because it seems like you only harbored in vain
Take a look at the sinner and realize that YOU WIN
When the drunkard abuses his common-law spouse:
YOU WIN because God saved you from that mess!

When the drug addict hits the streets- homeless- searching desperately for another sniff: 
YOU WIN because God did not let you drink out of a drain reeking with moldy water
Instead He gave you shelter and saved you from that mess!

When you see a promiscuous woman hogging the block, anticipating the arrival of a man that she may call her lover 
Because all she wants is security but all he wants is her body and so- the exchange begins:
YOU WIN because God fills a hole that no earthly being an fill and His love comes without compromising your body filthily

When the teenage mother cries out because her child is hungry and she regrets the "result" of her one-night stand
Oh how she regrets, that her life is put on hold just so her money can be consumed by her seed
YOU WIN because God granted you His salvation and grace in the nick of time!
All you need to do is have faith and let Him do the rest- He will direct your path

YOU WIN! Because you did not die 
YOU WIN! Even when the pain makes you cry
YOU WIN! Through your shifting He will restore new life
YOU WIN! YES, YOU WIN! And if you for a moment do not for a moment believe in this theme-
Imagine trading places with a soul already tasting the fires of hell!
YOU WIN! So just give Him praise