Wednesday, June 12, 2013


I happened across the following poem sometime earlier this year after so long- (of) hoping that I could put my hands on a copy of it. It was penned (shortly over) some 3 years ago for the reopening of our Youth Group for the New Year. If the memory serves me correctly, it was also the first time I had an encounter with Holy Spirit prompting and guiding me in putting it together- after I finally decided to yield entirely to His doing. Boy was I in for a painful but joyful ride! Particularly due to my unwillingness (at first) to let go of the weights that hindered me from discovering His true purpose for my life. I truly am thankful for His presence in my life and truly see the fruit of total surrender!
Happy reading!

So engulfed in perpetuating tradition is this world, that it loses sight of what is morally correct,
Do not become a victim to this plight lest you be found unrighteous in His sight
Christmas, Easter, politics and all other common misconceptions amplified through media relations
They are rejoicing, their pockets weighty with hearts of gluttony;
But their spirits are dampened, distressed and destroyed.
You are now anxious for the next weekend, fortnight or month end,
That your frown may be replaced with a crown *Smile! Say cheese!*
Only to become a victim of foolish greed (tsk tsk tsk)-
Your ignorance magnifying Kingdom abominations, without giving any heed.
Let me take some time, trigger a spark in your brain:
When was the last time you tithed?
When was the last time you prayed?
Did you ever thank God for His provisions?
Have you ever been to the holy gathering of the called out ones?
(You know- that thing we so oft refer to as “church” not realizing that WE ARE THE CHURCH!)
Do you even know what that means?
Have you ever shopped extensively in the Word, to gain the true meaning of these so-called “traditions”?
If not, keep shopping because you forgot to purchase faith, understanding and knowledge- in that precise order!
After all, what is the earth without salt or light? Without you?
Not convinced?
Well keep watching others die and ask yourself: ‘Why am I still alive when my actions are similar?’
You steal. You cheat. You lie. (Sounds like you are a walking Lucifer eh?)
Now do you see your testimony?
Why do you think I speak? This story was once mine!
Submit and choose to perpetuate the tradition of Jesus Christ- for living is Christ, and to die is gain-
And watch your life transform, no longer conforming but seeking to inform of the fullness of joy that is in His presence.
Be prepared to Come Alive!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

SET APART (A Painful yet Life Saving Operating Procedure)

So...... Does the topic leave you curious as to the contents of the message? Or did you already guess what I am about to say? Before proceeding further we examine the definition of "SET APART" as it pertains to this article:

“1. To reserve for a specific use.
2. To make noticeable: character traits that set her apart. (”

I grew up, pretty much, as an only child. Save for my brother who is 12.5 years older and whose interest would obviously be much different than mine because of age and gender. Hence, in some cases, I would consider myself an "only child". 

To top things off, though I have had friends  throughout my lifetime- finding the right circle or attempting to fit into a particular circle, proved challenging and often led to me departing and becoming the lone party to my crowd. To this day, I still consider myself a "lone ranger" (lol), and have embraced it so much because of the understanding and appreciation as to what it all means.

Long before I became saved, My Father had determined that I was and am different and I had no choice but to accept it. Of course I wondered whether I had a problem because it seemed like nothing worked for me. I admit, it was painful at times, feeling shunned especially by those to whom I (allegedly) created no offense. I would sometimes hear of the insults and it would have to take will and determination to move on pass the hurt and let go. (Till now, I am learning to let go before offense takes root). But the questions kept pouring in:

1.      Why did others seem to fit easily into groups, but I didn't?
2.      Why did others seem to have (so-called) long lasting spousal relationships, but I didn't?
3.      Am I not "pretty" enough for them to at least acknowledge me?
4.      What am I doing wrong?
5.      Am I not worthy of their companionship?
6.      When will I know my rightful place?

A further introspective reminded me of David's proclamation in Psalm 139:16 (KJV):
"Your eyes saw my unformed substance; 
In your book were written, every one of them,
the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them."

You see there is a particular plan and path that my life is supposed to take, but I didn’t entirely understand it- and still don’t sometimes. But drawing from the love relationship that God has called me (and you to), there must be certain characteristics present for that relationship to flourish and for your representation as a CHRISTIAN to be validated. Some of which comes from being SET APART.
Just by being SET APART I have drawn/ learned some valuable conclusions, which would NOT have been possible without God opening my eyes, mind and spirit, including these subsequently listed:

a.       Discovering My True IDENTITY in Christ
b.      Receiving God’s Best Takes Time (and Patience)
c.       Always Remain Humble- You never know who you may meet in this life and who God may use to transform your life. Never let the notion get to your head that “I’m too rich to mingle with the poor;” “I’m too cute to have ugly friends;” “I’m too saved to talk to a criminal” and so forth.
d.      Complete Trust In God- even when friends and family disappoint, God NEVER disappoints. His plans for my life are way above my comprehension, so when I opt to trust His plans and abandon my selfish ones- I save myself plenty of heart and headache.
e.       100% Surrender to God’s Will- directly relative to the above point.
f.       The Abundance & Extent of God’s Love and Support
g.      We serve a Just In Time God- when I think no one is listening nor understands my plight- God is and does. And when I just about think I’ve had it and are getting ready to “throw in the towel”, He sends me a love note to keep me going. He is simply amazing.

Would any of these lessons be learnt had I not been through what I had been through? No. So instead I choose to embrace these SET APART moments, especially when it allows me to build my relationship with my Beloved and bask in His love laced glory.

Having shared my story, I hope you are motivated to endure your operating procedure. I know I have (and still am). Child of God, my prayer is that you embrace your process.

You are blessed!