Tuesday, August 19, 2014

HER STORY....Symptoms of a Misdiagnosis

The blood of her guilt, her transgression- stained her body as if dipping into the ocean's fullness and exemplifying a water-soaked glory.
Her face told the story of a prodigal woman who came home by night to the comfort and safety of her parents' house,
And by day returned to the drug infused street corners searching desperately for the comfort/ shrouding of the wall's embrace.
If only these walls could talk- what would they say? What would YOU say?
And now the crime of her rebelliousness rests evidently upon her.

She deserves it! 
It's about time she fell in her own mess so that she could finally desire change!
They have been speaking to her too long and she refused to obey... so it had to take the hand that rocked the cradle to break its stride, trip and fall....
O how they whispered and spoke quickly- judging the outcome but what about them? 

If they are so swift to cast judgement upon her, why can't they first perform an introspective and realize their own shunning prodded her deeper into this dark territory?
So many mornings as she departed from her home, she searched for a friend because she felt led by God to seek tangible assistance.
She visited the very place where proclamations of His presence burst forth  from the springs, 
but their eyes remained closed as if in high praise and their ears shut as if so in tune to His spirit- so great, so intense, 
that she felt instead, the sharp pangs of their rejection.
Never once did they acknowledge her mere "hello, I need help and I need a friend". 
If "they" were so engrossed in His Holy presence why didn't they hear Him directing/ordering them to care for her? 
That His daughter, the seed of His loins required tangible love from another seed? 
Or is it that they heard His voice but disobeyed because they saw her as an illegitimate child?
But now how can they even see the fruit of her actions is an adverse reaction to the faulty medication they gave? 
Now  that she is exposed and infected with this USTD (Un-sanctified Transmitted Disease), will they carry out more tests and give a proper, fitting diagnosis and prescription.... the perfect antidote of their love?