Saturday, June 14, 2014

Get Up and Choose To Fight!

You’re in a boxing ring and your opponent has delivered what is considered his “best shot yet” towards the final minutes of the match. It seems like he was saving the “best for last” and you’re down (but thankfully- not out). The game score is now tied and you’ve got to win this one…. After all you’ve fought too long and hard, trained tirelessly to get to this point; and to lose now? NO!

Mustering the fragments of strength within and saying a little prayer, you suck I all in- meanwhile flashed of a reward so great where your family and life will be delivered out of the dark pit imprints your mind and empowers your spirit. You now stand and deliver that final VICTORY blow. Without even stumbling, your opponent falls to the ground, knocked out cold and you are left standing in victory. YES! Your mission has been accomplished all because of (your) inner strength was boosted (through God).

How many times have you been there? Where the enemy, your opponent, seems to deliver some heavy blows (depression, anger, poverty, etc.), and sometimes too- consecutively- to the point where it seems like you’re on the brink of death? Sad to say, scriptures do not always console a wounded soul in the darkest moment. It is all dependant now on your strength (in Christ) to get up and win the battle.
How can you receive strength? God’s Holy Word states in Isaiah 40:31(KJV): “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” Found your answer yet? No? Let me repeat it-finding strength for your days to face your battles begins with (finding) rest(ing) in God. But that rest must be accompanied by patience and trust amongst other things:

1.      PATIENCE (a fruit of the Spirit) means the quality of being patient, as bearing provocation, annoyance, misfortune or pain, without complaint, loss of temper, irritation or the like (as per );
2.      TRUST (defined also be the aforementioned source) refers to the “reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc. of a person or thing; confidence.

My interpretation of the two words is “learning to abandon all dependence on personal strength, vowing to not be moved by outward circumstances or emotions and submitting without any reservation to the will of God. Trusting that His timing is best and all strength comes from Him. Therefore we move only when He says to move and how He says to move. For it is “in Him we live, move and have our being (Acts 17:28)”; and we can take on or endure the enemy and his devices with higher wisdom, knowledge, understanding, discernment and POWER.

*As a Kingdom inheritor, it is imperative that you also bear in mind Matthew 1:12*

With that said, whose side are you on? Are you ready to claim the victory? I am!