Wednesday, October 23, 2013

My Generation

I am today's generation and today's generation is me-
A heart-wrenching but true reality
Where the distinctness between young and old is no longer seen
But rather, it seems that I am you and you are me

How can we expect to fulfill a God-driven mandate,
Create a generation that perpetuates the values and system of a biblical understanding, reverence and fear of God and His word
When the briberies of this world we hold closer than a babe nursing aptly at his mother's bosom

How can we build and advance, if we can't first deal with the root that is you and me?
Who have planted seeds of sin that so rampantly abide in the streets:
Teaching a young woman to sell her body for a moment of "pleasure" in exchange for a fast dollar;
Teaching a young man that having multiple partners makes him a "top dog" but the young ladies who were once his subjects of affection are now labelled with every degrading word in the dictionary 
Since when was it OK for our youth to rob others of possessions in the naked light-
In exchange for what? A puff? A quick trip to the summit of Mount Everest?

Again I tell you- we are our generation and today's generation is we 
They are reflection of what they see in you and me
I remember the days when we brought something not belonging to us,
 Before we could muster a "plausible" explanation", a lash of saucepan in our head is what we would get
I remember the days when an afternoon lime consisted of a trip to the movies or a walk on the square
Now has been redefined by booze and unintelligent conversation!
Where do you think it all originated? With us! And now we must eradicate the plague we've allowed to persist

You and I, they and me have no choice but to see
We are today's generation and today's generation is we
Whatsoever we sow, that shall we reap sparingly
So why do complain when what we see is who we used to be or rather, refuse to not be
Why do we persist in failing to see just how much this generation is a reflection of you and me?
A heart-wrenching but true reality....

Monday, September 9, 2013


Have you ever wondered….

If God is so powerful, why wouldn’t He:
i.                    Make man (the world) serve Him without having to choose between heaven and hell?
ii.                  Just heal man as soon as or before he fall ill, rather than allowing him to either endure certain sufferings for a while before receiving healing or rather, dying altogether without “allegedly” receiving the healing he has asked for?
iii.                Allow all persons to live (good and bad alike) until old age because he/she has family, friends, children who would suffer because of an “untimely” demise?
iv.                Grant man the ease of living (especially if we are His princes and princesses) rather than (seemingly) allowing the rich to get richer and the poorer to get poorer and those in between to stay there … whilst thieves roam the streets, stealing hard-earned possessions, leaving the victims to suffer (yet another loss)?
v.                  Not allow man to sin because He knows it would only lead his soul to damnation and He wants His creation all to serve Him (after all we are His children right?)
vi.                Control man altogether because He created man (that sure would make living easier right?!)
And the questions would continue flooding in….

And the ANSWER is simple in word form but complex in theory and practicality: God wants us to DISCOVER Him.

Think of a treasure hunt; you are aware of the hidden treasure that has been made known to you, within a particular locale. You have no idea as to what the final product/ reveal is, however you do know that it is precious, valuable and could garner riches. There are heights and depths you must travel and trials you must endure in order to get to THAT location. Therefore you must seek to arm yourself with appropriate paraphernalia in order to ensure an (almost) unbroken route to the realization of the object of your affection. You may think that you are fully enamored for the journey but the truth is… walking through the journey itself will unveil whether what you have is sufficient and what may be lacking. In other words, you learn more (about yourself, others and the route in particular) as you go along. Still your eyes remain on the prize. (And) of course, if you choose to endure; you will reach your targeted destination.

So too is life and the journey to discovering God, His kingdom, His glory and His riches. No one will ever know what he/she may have to endure (sometimes resultant from the individual’s personal decisions/actions) but if persistent in pressing towards the mark of the high calling and excellence, such diligence will be rewarded. Even more so, the mere fact that one walks the journey reaps rewards. But most importantly it unveils God or rather- God unveils Himself more and more, little by little because He recognizes how much you seek after Him. (So) my motivation to you:
ENDURE another day and DISCOVER GOD in your situation today!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

What Now? (A Conversation between You, Me & God)

… After all tears have been cried and your insides dried?
When you can no longer find the words to sum up nor describe your present emotions?
When there seems to be no one in this lifetime, on this earth
You can possibly turn to?
(Because) if you can’t even understand what you are going through; the battle you face
How much more can they console you?

No words can bring comfort to this broken spirit
Feeling like an eagle whose wings was broken in flight;
In desperate need of healing, restoration- rejuvenation!
A body that can no longer withstand its own weight,
Yearning for the everlasting embrace of the wind- soft spoken and subtle-
To carry it through this tireless journey that must continue; has to continue
For destination is in sight on this road, the race cannot be lost.

If only…
I could just tug through to finish line
And then rest there! What a joy that would fill my soul! (Or would it?)
Lord, why are you calling me to rest so close to the end?
Why am I so burnt out just a few miles away?
Why this feeling at all?

So that you will be still and know that I am God…
For too long you’ve carried this weight; this burden
And now it is time to let it go and hand it over to me.
Need I remind you: It was through my strength you were able to sustain it without stumble.
The place you are about to enter into, you cannot take this load with you
Yes- new challenges are sure to come but like these times before-
Remember how I always came through for you.
We have come too far to stop now,
You are going to reach that place of destiny and purpose
But you need to gather new strength to enter.
Rest in me; trust in me; praise me,
And I will handle the rest.

With a love that knows no end, so too do I love you
Your Father who is (also) always your friend,

*Fashioned after Psalm 91

Friday, July 5, 2013

TOTAL SURRENDER: Do We Grasp Its True Meaning?

        i.           TOTAL (adjective)
a.       constituting or comprising the whole; entire; whole: the total expenditure;
b.      of or pertaining to the whole of something: the total effect of a play;
c.       complete in extent or degree; absolute; unqualified; utter: a total failure;
d.      involving all aspects, elements, participants, resources, etc.; unqualified; all-out…

      ii.            SURRENDER (noun) -
a.       the act or an instance of SURRENDERING
b.      to yield (something) to the possession or power of another; deliver up possession of on demand or under duress: to surrender the fort to the enemy;
c.       to give (oneself) up to some influence, course, emotion, etc.;
d.      to give up, abandon, or relinquish…

I saw it fit to define these words in order to proceed further. An implied (very strongly, might I add) prerequisite of becoming, and being a Christian is surrender. Just like being a citizen of a specific country (e.g. Saint Lucia) you are officially an ambassador or diplomat of that country- even when not on local soil, are also obligated to abide by the laws of the said territory, so too does the same apply to Christiandom.

**CHRISTIAN [derivative of CHRIST] i.e. representing (by choice) Christ in every aspect of living, irrespective of location whether physical, emotional etcetera

I have heard and had experiences with individuals who are self-professed Christians- but often times I am left to wonder whether they even understand the real meaning of the word or the gravity of this confession. Don’t get me wrong- as Christians we all have struggles that we need to overcome and imperfections that need to be worked on. But how much we are trying to be Christ-like? (Or) Are we using our imperfect nature as an excuse to ‘escape’ fault acknowledgements? I do not know. Perform an introspective and make the analysis- to each his own.

This point of digression redirects me to this titled blog. You see, habitually in song we happen across the word and sing it for “singing’s sake”, but have you ever believed it for living’s sake? In my devotionals, I constantly plead with God to have his way in my life; to let His will be done. Arrest me; that if I am ever out of line, He will pull me back in line. And the criteria for His will: TOTAL SURRENDER. I understood that it meant a complete abandonment of personal goals and doing things His way. But did I fully comprehend the journey it would entail? To an extent: Yes. But to an even greater extent: No. And it is in this journey that my faith and understanding has (been), and continues to (be) tested, built and grow(s). 

Let me get a bit technical- when I first accepted salvation, my perception of Christianity was ‘chopped and screwed’. I thought that I could continue living like a Calendar Christian (you know- church on Sunday and Monday through to Saturday- “world” living). After all that was what I pretty much grew up around- that was all I knew. So off gallivanting I went, but God wanted:
a.       to alter my perception entirely
b.      to reveal to me, the BIGGER PICTURE painted with a GREATER PURPOSE
c.       me to know Him and love Him for Him
d.      a RELATIONSHIP with me
e.       TOTAL SURRENDER on my part

But… was I ready for all of this? No! I certainly didn’t think that I was, but God wanted me to be ready. (There is definitely something about that moment when your head hits the water in baptism. God honors that and will do any and everything to get you to serve Him.)I even attempted dead-end relationships and- of course- that did not work. Tried pursuing my education route of choice and that too didn’t work. I tried it all, but it just DID NOT WORK. All I got was hurt, pain, tears, frustration, anger- all non-spiritual fruit- but NO INNER JOY.
Until THAT day; that rude awakening; where I had to realize that He wanted to be in control and I had to give Him the HONOR of CONTROL (TOTAL SURRENDER). I had to relinquish my pride and allow Him to humble me. I don’t think it is pertinent that I continue as to the course my life took from that “decision moment” but I will. Things began falling in line:
i.                    I was called to be a leader ( in ministry) in more than one place, that I never know possible;
ii.                  I became a leader in fields relative to my profession (that I never entirely envisioned) which ultimately permitted me to:
a.       Travel to countries I never that I never thought I would go to, under these circumstances;
b.      Travel in the name of ministry
iii.                I’ve been blessed persons whom have been and continue to play a vital role in in my Christian growth;
iv.                I have endured deliverance periods thereby permitting me to enter into the high level/ ground that God has called me to;
v.                  Talents and giftings began (and continue) to surface.

And the list goes on…

Enter into the next phase of my life where I graduated college and now await the next breakthrough. I have allowed Christ to take the lead, center, every circumference and area of my life. Part of that surrender entails PATIENCE, which I admit is tasking at times to that point where I wanted to become like Jacob and wrestle with God for my blessing. But he keeps me in check, imploring that I wait- patiently. So I let go and constantly have to remember how He always comes through for me and quite honestly, I’d rather have things go His way. After all, He is a Just-In-Time God and I am delighted; honored to serve, love, know and be with Him.
So until that day of your breakthrough dear brother/ sister, rest perfectly in His will. The best is yet to come!
 Cheers to Kingdom living!

Today’s Inspiration Song- I Don’t Mind Waiting by Juanita Bynum

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


I happened across the following poem sometime earlier this year after so long- (of) hoping that I could put my hands on a copy of it. It was penned (shortly over) some 3 years ago for the reopening of our Youth Group for the New Year. If the memory serves me correctly, it was also the first time I had an encounter with Holy Spirit prompting and guiding me in putting it together- after I finally decided to yield entirely to His doing. Boy was I in for a painful but joyful ride! Particularly due to my unwillingness (at first) to let go of the weights that hindered me from discovering His true purpose for my life. I truly am thankful for His presence in my life and truly see the fruit of total surrender!
Happy reading!

So engulfed in perpetuating tradition is this world, that it loses sight of what is morally correct,
Do not become a victim to this plight lest you be found unrighteous in His sight
Christmas, Easter, politics and all other common misconceptions amplified through media relations
They are rejoicing, their pockets weighty with hearts of gluttony;
But their spirits are dampened, distressed and destroyed.
You are now anxious for the next weekend, fortnight or month end,
That your frown may be replaced with a crown *Smile! Say cheese!*
Only to become a victim of foolish greed (tsk tsk tsk)-
Your ignorance magnifying Kingdom abominations, without giving any heed.
Let me take some time, trigger a spark in your brain:
When was the last time you tithed?
When was the last time you prayed?
Did you ever thank God for His provisions?
Have you ever been to the holy gathering of the called out ones?
(You know- that thing we so oft refer to as “church” not realizing that WE ARE THE CHURCH!)
Do you even know what that means?
Have you ever shopped extensively in the Word, to gain the true meaning of these so-called “traditions”?
If not, keep shopping because you forgot to purchase faith, understanding and knowledge- in that precise order!
After all, what is the earth without salt or light? Without you?
Not convinced?
Well keep watching others die and ask yourself: ‘Why am I still alive when my actions are similar?’
You steal. You cheat. You lie. (Sounds like you are a walking Lucifer eh?)
Now do you see your testimony?
Why do you think I speak? This story was once mine!
Submit and choose to perpetuate the tradition of Jesus Christ- for living is Christ, and to die is gain-
And watch your life transform, no longer conforming but seeking to inform of the fullness of joy that is in His presence.
Be prepared to Come Alive!